Troubleshooting Error with rails activeadmin gem Installation. Ever faced this error below with gem activeadmin installation in rails 5 Your bundle requires gems that depend on each other, creating an infinite loop. Please remove gem 'meta_search' and try again. Include this line in your Gemfile gem 'activeadmin' , github : 'activeadmin' update your bundle doing this. bundle update This error will appear in your console Fetching Fetching gem metadata from Fetching version metadata from Fetching dependency metadata from Resolving dependencies... Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "actionpack": In Gemfile: activeadmin was resolved to 1.0.0.pre4, which depends on formtastic (~> 3.1) was resolved to 3.1.4, which depends on actionpack (>= 3.2.13) ...
This blog is the part of my day to day learning. the only way to improve the efficiency of a programmer is by writing, Writing playing with codes and errors. I write about Software Engineering, Machine learning, Artificial intelligence & Data Structure and algorithms and for language like python, Ruby, Django and rails